From 23 April 2018, the new ok.– button from Valora will be available online. The number of available buttons will initially be limited to 2,500. Valora announced the innovative gadget back in November 2017. Following an intensive beta test with pleasing results, the company has now decided to extend the test phase.
The ok.– button makes shopping easier for customers thanks to modern technology. At the press of a button, it is possible to order large volumes of the ok.– energy drink, which until now has only been available at Valora outlets, to the address of your choice with no effort at all. Free delivery within 24 to 48 hours and the payment process are automated. This works via the app on which customers save their desired delivery address and payment details on a one-time basis. The ok.– button is available for CHF 5 at Upon an initial order being placed, the amount is credited back to the customer. Packs of 24 of the popular ok.– energy drink are currently available. The offering is to be expanded to include further ok.– products in future.
Cyril Dorsaz, who identifies retail trends as an employee of the Valora Lab in San Francisco, says: “With the ok.– button, Valora is serving the growing need of customers for connected home services. In doing so, we are providing our customers with digital and innovative shopping experiences thanks to new technologies”.
Satisfied test customers confirm trend
Of the 1,800 people who expressed their interest in the beta test, 200 received the ok.– button at the end of 2017. Based on the feedback received, the Valora Lab team optimised the processes and procedures for a broad test on the market. The innovative and simple solution was met with a high level of approval among the beta testers. The ok.– button proved especially popular with companies. For example, with the team at the recruiting platform Rockstar: “As technology enthusiasts, we at are fans of the smart ok.– button. Thanks to the quick delivery service, we never run out of the ok.– energy drink, meaning we are always wide awake, not only when recruiting, but also during hackathons”, says Klaus Fuchs, a partner at Rockstar Recruiting AG.