Päckli Punkt Service Digitally Depicted

20.02.2014 / 15:00 /

For nearly two years, Nilo has been offering a service for mail-order returns in the form of Päckli Punkt. The new website www.paeckli-punkt.ch highlights the benefits of Päckli Punkt in a simple and understandable manner.

With “Päckli Punkt”, customers can return parcels to their mail-order company, cost-efficiently and with a minimum of effort. Thanks to the long business hours of the Päckli Punkt outlets, this is possible from Monday to Sunday and from early in the morning until late in the evening. Therefore, customers can also drop off their parcels at the Päckli Punkt after work or at the weekend. What is more, they also benefit from a highly attractive pricing.

Interested persons can find this and more information on the new Päckli Punkt website. At www.paeckli-punkt.ch, the service is described in a compact and easily understandable manner. A location search has also been integrated. By means of this, all customers can always find the nearest outlet offering the Päckli Punkt service. The Valora formats k kiosk, avec. and Press&Books, apart from others, offer the Päckli Punkt service.




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