The Valora Group continued its growth trajectory and achieved an operating result exceeding the previous record set in 2019 for the first time. The group's external sales increased by 4.6% to CHF 2.9 billion. At the same time, operating profit (EBIT) grew by approximately 40% to over CHF 97 million. Both the strong convenience business and the growth of the wholesale pretzel segment made a significant contribution to this positive operating result. In addition, Valora introduced high-profile new store concepts last year, innovatively combining convenience retail and fresh food offerings.
Valora, the European retail unit of FEMSA (Fomento Económico Mexicano, S.A.B. de C.V.), had a successful financial year in 2024. The positive result was largely driven by strong retail performance and continued growth in the global wholesale pretzel business.
Growth in convenience retail
Despite a challenging economic environment and restrained consumer sentiment in its core markets, Switzerland and Germany, Valora successfully expanded its retail business over the past year. The Food sales continued to increase, supported in part by the additional contribution of the new avec service station shops in Switzerland.
Rising demand in the wholesale market
With the Ditsch brand, Valora further strengthened its global leadership in the pretzel market in 2024. In the B2B segment, Ditsch recorded a record year, particularly in the US. To meet the high demand for pretzels, Valora opened a second production facility in Cincinnati, USA, in October. The new factory offers Valora further growth potential in the coming years in a highly attractive market. The three existing Ditsch production sites in the USA (also in Cincinnati) and Germany (Mainz and Oranienbaum) operated at full capacity throughout 2024.
Implementation of new, innovative food concepts
To better meet the growing demand for fresh food on the go, Valora introduced innovative new store concepts in 2024. In the spring, Valora opened the first avec store featuring an integrated "The Kitchen" concept in Zurich, where freshly prepared to-go dishes are offered on-site. Global Convenience Store Focus named the new avec store one of the "12 Best Foodvenience Stores in the World". Additionally, Valora introduced a Brezelkönig "clip-in" for the first time at the Swiss Deitingen service station, offering freshly prepared pretzels and sandwiches daily. BackWerk, the market leader in bakery gastronomy, expanded its concept last year to new locations such as a motorway service area and a garden center, while also introducing innovative technologies like self-order terminals.