Kellogg (Switzerland) GmbH has decided to market the two brands of Kellogg's and Pringles via one single distribution and logistics partner on the Swiss market in future. Valora Trade Switzerland is profiting from this fundamental strategic decision and, as of January 2014, will additionally integrate the Pringles growth brand into the existing Kellog's product line. Following a highly successful launch, Pringles still has a great deal of growth potential in Switzerland. With its professional sales and distribution team and the proven logistics competence, Valora Trade Switzerland will ensure that this growth trend is further accelerated in future.
Included in the portfolio of Valora Trade Switzerland, the largest Swiss distributor and specialist for food and beverages, are well-known brands such as Ferrero, Kellogg‘s, Capri Sonne, Bahlsen, Häagen-Dazs but also plenty of smaller niche brands and products in the food segment. With its many years of experience and an excellent network on the Swiss market, Valora Trade Switzerland supports both smaller brands as well as well-known and well-established brands, with the goal of generating mutual growth.
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