Mobility, the changing lifestyles and rapid growth of digitalisation in everyday life. As a clearly positioned foodvenience provider, Valora systematically aligns its business and offering with these trends and their resulting customer needs. Valora is where its customers want it to be, providing them with what they want whenever they want it.
Society is becoming ever more mobile. People are permanently on the move – by road, rail or air. The boundary between private life and work, city and countryside is becoming blurred. However, daily needs are constant and must be met, even when on the move.
Lifestyles have shifted. A growingnumber of people live in smallerhouseholds or alone. People aremore flexible with their dailyroutine and are more likely to eatoutside the home, at differenttimes of day, quickly consumingsmaller meals or snacks.
Meanwhile digitalisation hastouched all areas of life. Peopleare always connected through theirsmartphones wherever they maybe. The opportunities presentedby new technologies fundamentallyredefine the customer relationshipand shopping experience byopening up new options.